SoftServe IT Academy


This is a front-end part of our Streetcode project. Back-end part:


Table of Contents


First of all, make sure you have installed dependencies below and back-end part of project from:

Required to install

  • NodeJS (16.0.0) or higher
  • npm (7.10.0) or higher
  • npx (10.2.2) or higher


Clone this repo to your local machine using:

git clone


To setup this project use this command in project folder:

npm install

How to run local

To start project locally, write following command:

npm start

Open your browser and enter http://localhost:3000 url. If you had this page already opened, just reload it.


How to run tests


Learn more about our documentation here.



Gitflow is a lightweight, branch-based workflow.

Gitflow is an alternative Git branching model that involves the use of feature branches and multiple primary branches.

Step 1

  • First step is checkout to developer branch and pull the recent changes.

Step 2

  • 🍴 Fork this repo from developer branch and name it! A short, descriptive branch name enables your collaborators to see ongoing work at a glance. For example, increase-test-timeout or add-code-of-conduct.

Step 3

  • πŸ”¨ On your branch, make ANY reasonable & desired changes to the repository.

Step 4

  • πŸ“ˆ Commit and push your changes to your branch. Give each commit a descriptive message to help you and future contributors understand what changes the commit contains. For example, fix typo or increase rate limit. Note: you don't need to commit every line of your code in separate commits.

Step 5

  • Before creating pull request you need to check the developer branch state! To avoid conflicts, you should merge developer branch to your local branch! And resolve your local conflicts. Mini manual: checkout to your local branch and write in console git merge developer.

Step 6

  • πŸ”ƒ Create a new pull request using this link.

Step 7

  • πŸ™‹ Assign reviewers! Reviewers should leave questions, comments, and suggestions. After receiving comments, improve the code. Get Approved status on the request and be satisfied with it!

Step 8

  • πŸŽ‰ After 3 approved reviews, merge your pull request with developer branch! Also, it is important to wait for your scrum master to approve your changes. If there are some conflicts, resolve them, again.

Step 9

  • βœ‚οΈ Delete redundant branch. Done!


Oops, some fixed needs to be done immediately? Use this guide for Hotfixes!

Some fixes will be needed due to the nature of Gitflow. You would have to do a 'hotfix' or something outside of the normal process, but it's simply part of our normal process.

Step 1

  • πŸ”₯ To implement an urgent change, a Hotfix branch is created off the developer branch to test and implement the fix.

Step 2

  • πŸ’ƒ Once it’s complete, the Hotfix is merged with the developer branch.

Issue flow

Find issues to work on here.


Project manager


Tech expert


Business analyst


Dev team

@PingvinAustr @EyR1oN @Tatiana2424 @AleXLaeR @dimasster @grygorenkod @valllentine

@Kotusyk @Kasterov @Katerix @Tysyatsky @MementoMorj @Chynchenko @NadiaKishchuk

@Dobriyr @DanyilTerentiev @ValDekh @ormykhalyshyn @MaksBrat @Lolimkeri


  • Project falls after npm start command?
    • Try to install exactly the same version of NodeJS specified in the requirements (16.0.0)


Reach out to us at one of the following places!

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