
Permission denied in Jupyter

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Subject of the issue

Jupyter gives a "Permission Denied" message when trying to access a private dataset uploaded by the user, or a private dataset that the user is allowed to access.

Your environment

The error looks to be independent of the adopted browser; for reference, it was seen with Chrome 64.0.3282.186 (official build)

Steps to reproduce

  1. login into the dataportal
  2. choose a private dataset you can explore with other tools (e.g. Superset).
  3. fetch code snippet to load it in Jupyter
  4. start Jupyter with PySpark3 kernel and initialise endpoint and session as per user manual
  5. run code snippet from 3) and get "Permission Denied".


  • this problem is not seen with open data.
  • by manually adding typos to the path found in 3), the message changes to “Path does not exist”, thus confirming the original target path existed but was prevented from access.

Expected behaviour

A pyspark DataFrame should be created.

Actual behaviour

One receives the following message:

An error occurred while calling o47.load.
: Permission denied: user=d_mc, access=EXECUTE, inode="/daf/ordinary/test_ingestion":daf:daf:drwxrwx---
at org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.DefaultAuthorizationProvider.checkAccessAcl(