
[Semantics] : Broken Ontologies and Vocabularies endpoints

and0111 opened this issue · 0 comments

Ontologies and Vocabularies components always return a loading error.


I'm using Chrome 67.0.3396.99 (Official build, 64 bit) or Firefox Dev Edition 62.0b10 (64 bit)

Steps to reproduce

Login, now you are in the private side. Go over 'Sematica' category in the 'Sidebar' and just click one of it's 'sub-entries', 'Ontologie' or 'Vocabolari' will produce the same effect.

Expected behaviour

Looking at 'Semantica' category placed in the 'Sidebar' you notice that it has 2 'sub-entries'.
When you click on these entries 'Ontologie' or 'Vocabolari', you respectively expect to see a rendered list of ontologies or vocabularies. But what you get now, is always a loading error.

Actual behaviour

The actual behaviour is that all the semantic's component will always render a loading error.

Feature Request

The endpoints config syntax has been manipulated in a way that can't works. When the data has to be fetched it can't load any data because the fetching operations actually points to wrong references. So just replace the 'single-quotes' ' in the semantic's endpoints config with the 'backtick-quotes' `, since 'tagged-template-literals' feature from ES6 work only when wrapped in backtick-quotes..