
Gitlab sometime adds a dash in raw url

Closed this issue · 4 comments

On Gitlab platform trying to get raw file for publiccode.yml sometimes a /- is added before filename, see example below:

instead of:

This will cause a validation fail:

validation ko:
url: declared url ( does not match the actual 
publiccode.yml source URL (

Here regex used to do that match

GitLab has started moving routes under the - scope around 12.0.

Paths with no - are considered legacy and can be found on older versions (older than a year, which for GitLab's standards is quite a long time). The hosted version at uses the new paths, of course.

Yes, considering we support also self-hosted instances we should be compatible for both versions.

This should be solved by alranel/go-vcsurl#4, @sebbalex what was the original command line triggering the bug?

Confimed solved.