
Useful infos column

edoardocostantinidev opened this issue · 3 comments

Few people mentioned we could provide a "useful info" column to each company. Personally I don't think it'll play nice with the version of the list. On the other hand it could be cool to have on the web view. What do you think?

It would be nice to have other columns (I was thinking of two more columns in particular:

  1. a columns that sums what the company does (eg: "companyname is a young startup developing a product in the Hr world etc etc). Few world that can help people understand immediately what that company does.
  2. a column with a reference name of that company (talent acquisition manager, CTO, founder, HR Manager, etc) linked to the LinkedIn profile.
    I think that would help A LOT both companies and people who are searching for a job and need a quick way to get in touch with the company.
    I know that for big companies it's difficult (almost impossibile) to have a single name, but for startup/small and medium companies I think that It would not be a problem at all.

I have a lot of other ideas but i will open another issue 👀👀

IIRC the main reason we kept few columns is because of README's readability. We can hide these columns on the readme and show them in the webview

It makes sense :)