
Email about API from Ford

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Just received this email.

The FordConnect Team has changed the Vehicle Information endpoint. Vehicle Information V2 has been deprecated and replaced with Vehicle Information V3, users will need to update their endpoint from /v2/vehicles to /v3/vehicles.

We expect Vehicle Information V2 to stay in deprecated status until Oct 17th 2024. At which point we will be sunsetting the API and all clients are expected to have moved to V3 by then.

All users who currently consume any endpoint within Vehicle Information V2.

Action Required
The response model will remain the same, the only change necessary will be to update the endpoint location to /V3/vehicles/ in any service that is currently consuming V2.

Vehicle Information V2 will remain usable but deprecated until Oct 17th 2024, at which point all clients will need to be moved to Vehicle Information V3. You can find information about the new API on Please select the API Reference box on the page and scroll down to the vehicle information V3 heading.

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Mentioned in other thread.