
How do you specify "\<C-v>" as a key in Lua?

mitchellwrosen opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

Apologies for the question that is not quite lightline.vim-specific. I can't seem to figure out the syntax for specifying a mode_map in Lua for the \<C-v> key.

I've tried "<C-v>", "\<C-v>" (an invalid Lua string), "\\<C-v>", and "\22" (which is what you get from vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<C-v>", true, true, true)). None of them work; I can't override the default V-BLOCK string.

Has anyone else run into this? Thanks.

"\22" works for me.

Sorry for necro-bumping, but I've encountered this issue too. @mitchellwrosen, or anybody else, you need to put the string in square brackets like this:

-- lua code
mode_map = {
    ["\22"] = "V-BLOCK"