
Default skin.ini?

MFDaus47 opened this issue · 2 comments

Does anyone know the default skin.ini in this application. Can't seem to find it anywhere. I need it for some reference for skinning

You'll have to plow through this code to see the defaults:

public class Skin {
/** The default skin name. */
public static final String DEFAULT_SKIN_NAME = "Default";
/** Slider styles. */
public static final byte
STYLE_PEPPYSLIDER = 1, // fallback
STYLE_MMSLIDER = 2, // default (requires OpenGL 3.0)
STYLE_TOONSLIDER = 3, // not implemented
STYLE_OPENGLSLIDER = 4; // not implemented
/** The latest skin version. */
protected static final float LATEST_VERSION = 2;
/** The default list of combos with combo sounds. */
private static final int[] DEFAULT_CUSTOM_COMBO_BURST_SOUNDS = { 50, 75, 100, 200, 300 };
/** The default combo colors (used when a beatmap does not provide custom colors). */
private static final Color[] DEFAULT_COMBO = {
new Color(255, 192, 0),
new Color(0, 202, 0),
new Color(18, 124, 255),
new Color(242, 24, 57)
/** The default menu visualization bar color. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_MENU_GLOW = new Color(0, 78, 155);
/** The default slider border color. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_SLIDER_BORDER = new Color(255, 255, 255);
/** The default slider ball color. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_SLIDER_BALL = new Color(2, 170, 255);
/** The default spinner approach circle color. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_SPINNER_APPROACH_CIRCLE = new Color(77, 139, 217);
/** The default color of the active text in the song selection menu. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_SONG_SELECT_ACTIVE_TEXT = new Color(255, 255, 255);
/** The default color of the inactive text in the song selection menu. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_SONG_SELECT_INACTIVE_TEXT = new Color(178, 178, 178);
/** The default color of the stars that fall from the cursor during breaks. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_STAR_BREAK_ADDITIVE = new Color(255, 182, 193);
/** The default color of the text on the input overlay. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_INPUT_OVERLAY_TEXT = new Color(0, 0, 0);
/** The skin directory. */
private File dir;
* [General]
/** The name of the skin. */
protected String name = OpsuConstants.PROJECT_NAME + " Default Skin";
/** The skin author. */
protected String author = "[various authors]";
/** The skin version. */
protected float version = LATEST_VERSION;
/** When a slider has a reverse, should the ball sprite flip horizontally? */
protected boolean sliderBallFlip = false;
/** Should the cursor sprite rotate constantly? */
protected boolean cursorRotate = true;
/** Should the cursor expand when clicked? */
protected boolean cursorExpand = true;
/** Should the cursor have an origin at the center of the image? (if not, the top-left corner is used) */
protected boolean cursorCentre = true;
/** The number of frames in the slider ball animation. */
protected int sliderBallFrames = 10;
/** Should the hitcircleoverlay sprite be drawn above the hircircle combo number? */
protected boolean hitCircleOverlayAboveNumber = true;
/** Should the sound frequency be modulated depending on the spinner score? */
protected boolean spinnerFrequencyModulate = false;
/** Should the normal hitsound always be played? */
protected boolean layeredHitSounds = true;
/** Should the spinner fade the playfield? */
protected boolean spinnerFadePlayfield = true;
/** Should the last spinner bar blink? */
protected boolean spinnerNoBlink = false;
/** Should the slider combo color tint the slider ball? */
protected boolean allowSliderBallTint = false;
/** The FPS of animations. */
protected int animationFramerate = -1;
/** Should the cursor trail sprite rotate constantly? */
protected boolean cursorTrailRotate = false;
/** List of combos with combo sounds. */
protected int[] customComboBurstSounds = DEFAULT_CUSTOM_COMBO_BURST_SOUNDS;
/** Should the combo burst sprites appear in random order? */
protected boolean comboBurstRandom = false;
/** The slider style to use (see STYLE_* constants). */
protected byte sliderStyle = STYLE_MMSLIDER;
* [Colours]
/** Combo colors (max 8). */
protected Color[] combo = DEFAULT_COMBO;
/** The menu visualization bar color. */
protected Color menuGlow = DEFAULT_MENU_GLOW;
/** The color for the slider border. */
protected Color sliderBorder = DEFAULT_SLIDER_BORDER;
/** The slider ball color. */
protected Color sliderBall = DEFAULT_SLIDER_BALL;
/** The spinner approach circle color. */
protected Color spinnerApproachCircle = DEFAULT_SPINNER_APPROACH_CIRCLE;
/** The color of text in the currently active group in song selection. */
protected Color songSelectActiveText = DEFAULT_SONG_SELECT_ACTIVE_TEXT;
/** The color of text in the inactive groups in song selection. */
protected Color songSelectInactiveText = DEFAULT_SONG_SELECT_INACTIVE_TEXT;
/** The color of the stars that fall from the cursor (star2 sprite) in breaks. */
protected Color starBreakAdditive = DEFAULT_STAR_BREAK_ADDITIVE;
/** The color of the text on the input overlay. */
protected Color inputOverlayText = DEFAULT_INPUT_OVERLAY_TEXT;
* [Fonts]
/** The prefix for the hitcircle font sprites. */
protected String hitCirclePrefix = "default";
/** How much should the hitcircle font sprites overlap? */
protected int hitCircleOverlap = -2;
/** The prefix for the score font sprites. */
protected String scorePrefix = "score";
/** How much should the score font sprites overlap? */
protected int scoreOverlap = 0;
/** The prefix for the combo font sprites. */
protected String comboPrefix = "score";
/** How much should the combo font sprites overlap? */
protected int comboOverlap = 0;

You'll have to plow through this code to see the defaults:

public class Skin {
/** The default skin name. */
public static final String DEFAULT_SKIN_NAME = "Default";
/** Slider styles. */
public static final byte
STYLE_PEPPYSLIDER = 1, // fallback
STYLE_MMSLIDER = 2, // default (requires OpenGL 3.0)
STYLE_TOONSLIDER = 3, // not implemented
STYLE_OPENGLSLIDER = 4; // not implemented
/** The latest skin version. */
protected static final float LATEST_VERSION = 2;
/** The default list of combos with combo sounds. */
private static final int[] DEFAULT_CUSTOM_COMBO_BURST_SOUNDS = { 50, 75, 100, 200, 300 };
/** The default combo colors (used when a beatmap does not provide custom colors). */
private static final Color[] DEFAULT_COMBO = {
new Color(255, 192, 0),
new Color(0, 202, 0),
new Color(18, 124, 255),
new Color(242, 24, 57)
/** The default menu visualization bar color. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_MENU_GLOW = new Color(0, 78, 155);
/** The default slider border color. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_SLIDER_BORDER = new Color(255, 255, 255);
/** The default slider ball color. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_SLIDER_BALL = new Color(2, 170, 255);
/** The default spinner approach circle color. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_SPINNER_APPROACH_CIRCLE = new Color(77, 139, 217);
/** The default color of the active text in the song selection menu. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_SONG_SELECT_ACTIVE_TEXT = new Color(255, 255, 255);
/** The default color of the inactive text in the song selection menu. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_SONG_SELECT_INACTIVE_TEXT = new Color(178, 178, 178);
/** The default color of the stars that fall from the cursor during breaks. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_STAR_BREAK_ADDITIVE = new Color(255, 182, 193);
/** The default color of the text on the input overlay. */
private static final Color DEFAULT_INPUT_OVERLAY_TEXT = new Color(0, 0, 0);
/** The skin directory. */
private File dir;
* [General]
/** The name of the skin. */
protected String name = OpsuConstants.PROJECT_NAME + " Default Skin";
/** The skin author. */
protected String author = "[various authors]";
/** The skin version. */
protected float version = LATEST_VERSION;
/** When a slider has a reverse, should the ball sprite flip horizontally? */
protected boolean sliderBallFlip = false;
/** Should the cursor sprite rotate constantly? */
protected boolean cursorRotate = true;
/** Should the cursor expand when clicked? */
protected boolean cursorExpand = true;
/** Should the cursor have an origin at the center of the image? (if not, the top-left corner is used) */
protected boolean cursorCentre = true;
/** The number of frames in the slider ball animation. */
protected int sliderBallFrames = 10;
/** Should the hitcircleoverlay sprite be drawn above the hircircle combo number? */
protected boolean hitCircleOverlayAboveNumber = true;
/** Should the sound frequency be modulated depending on the spinner score? */
protected boolean spinnerFrequencyModulate = false;
/** Should the normal hitsound always be played? */
protected boolean layeredHitSounds = true;
/** Should the spinner fade the playfield? */
protected boolean spinnerFadePlayfield = true;
/** Should the last spinner bar blink? */
protected boolean spinnerNoBlink = false;
/** Should the slider combo color tint the slider ball? */
protected boolean allowSliderBallTint = false;
/** The FPS of animations. */
protected int animationFramerate = -1;
/** Should the cursor trail sprite rotate constantly? */
protected boolean cursorTrailRotate = false;
/** List of combos with combo sounds. */
protected int[] customComboBurstSounds = DEFAULT_CUSTOM_COMBO_BURST_SOUNDS;
/** Should the combo burst sprites appear in random order? */
protected boolean comboBurstRandom = false;
/** The slider style to use (see STYLE_* constants). */
protected byte sliderStyle = STYLE_MMSLIDER;
* [Colours]
/** Combo colors (max 8). */
protected Color[] combo = DEFAULT_COMBO;
/** The menu visualization bar color. */
protected Color menuGlow = DEFAULT_MENU_GLOW;
/** The color for the slider border. */
protected Color sliderBorder = DEFAULT_SLIDER_BORDER;
/** The slider ball color. */
protected Color sliderBall = DEFAULT_SLIDER_BALL;
/** The spinner approach circle color. */
protected Color spinnerApproachCircle = DEFAULT_SPINNER_APPROACH_CIRCLE;
/** The color of text in the currently active group in song selection. */
protected Color songSelectActiveText = DEFAULT_SONG_SELECT_ACTIVE_TEXT;
/** The color of text in the inactive groups in song selection. */
protected Color songSelectInactiveText = DEFAULT_SONG_SELECT_INACTIVE_TEXT;
/** The color of the stars that fall from the cursor (star2 sprite) in breaks. */
protected Color starBreakAdditive = DEFAULT_STAR_BREAK_ADDITIVE;
/** The color of the text on the input overlay. */
protected Color inputOverlayText = DEFAULT_INPUT_OVERLAY_TEXT;
* [Fonts]
/** The prefix for the hitcircle font sprites. */
protected String hitCirclePrefix = "default";
/** How much should the hitcircle font sprites overlap? */
protected int hitCircleOverlap = -2;
/** The prefix for the score font sprites. */
protected String scorePrefix = "score";
/** How much should the score font sprites overlap? */
protected int scoreOverlap = 0;
/** The prefix for the combo font sprites. */
protected String comboPrefix = "score";
/** How much should the combo font sprites overlap? */
protected int comboOverlap = 0;

I see. Thank you so much. I didn't thought it would be in there. Thanks👍