
dvc doctor fails in repo

sherwoac opened this issue · 3 comments

ref my last issue, I'm just trying to upgrade dvc:

ubuntu@ip-***:/data/snt-lab-data$ dvc doctor
ERROR: unexpected error - s3 is supported, but requires 'dvc-s3' to be installed: No module named 'dvc_objects.fs.path'

Having any troubles? Hit us up at, we are always happy to help!

fails in data directory, but works in home with:

ubuntu@ip-***:~$ dvc doctor
DVC version: 3.42.0 (pip)
Platform: Python 3.8.10 on Linux-5.15.0-1058-aws-x86_64-with-glibc2.29
        dvc_data = 3.8.0
        dvc_objects = 3.0.6
        dvc_render = 1.0.1
        dvc_task = 0.4.0
        scmrepo = 2.0.4
        gdrive (pydrive2 = 1.15.3),
        gs (gcsfs = 2024.3.1),
        hdfs (fsspec = 2024.3.1, pyarrow = 12.0.0),
        http (aiohttp = 3.9.5, aiohttp-retry = 2.8.3),
        https (aiohttp = 3.9.5, aiohttp-retry = 2.8.3),
        oss (ossfs = 2023.5.0),
        ssh (sshfs = 2023.4.1),
        webdav (webdav4 = 0.9.8),
        webdavs (webdav4 = 0.9.8),
        webhdfs (fsspec = 2024.3.1)
        Global: /home/ubuntu/.config/dvc
        System: /etc/xdg/dvc

fwiw my pip output looks like this:

ubuntu@ip-***:~$ pip list | grep dvc
dvc                      3.42.0
dvc-azure                2.21.1
dvc-data                 3.8.0
dvc-gdrive               2.19.2
dvc-gs                   3.0.1
dvc-hdfs                 2.19.0
dvc-http                 2.32.0
dvc-objects              3.0.6
dvc-oss                  2.19.0
dvc-render               1.0.1
dvc-s3                   2.22.0
dvc-ssh                  2.22.1
dvc-studio-client        0.20.0
dvc-task                 0.4.0
dvc-webdav               2.19.1
dvc-webhdfs              2.19.0

any ideas?

Can you try pip install --upgrade dvc[s3]?

yeah, that seemed to work, I can now run dvc doctor:

ubuntu@ip-***:/data/snt-lab-data$ dvc doctor
DVC version: 3.42.0 (pip)
Platform: Python 3.8.10 on Linux-5.15.0-1058-aws-x86_64-with-glibc2.29
	dvc_data = 3.8.0
	dvc_objects = 3.0.6
	dvc_render = 1.0.1
	dvc_task = 0.4.0
	scmrepo = 2.0.4
	gdrive (pydrive2 = 1.15.3),
	gs (gcsfs = 2024.3.1),
	hdfs (fsspec = 2023.6.0, pyarrow = 12.0.0),
	http (aiohttp = 3.9.5, aiohttp-retry = 2.8.3),
	https (aiohttp = 3.9.5, aiohttp-retry = 2.8.3),
	oss (ossfs = 2023.5.0),
	s3 (s3fs = 2023.6.0, boto3 = 1.26.76),
	ssh (sshfs = 2023.4.1),
	webdav (webdav4 = 0.9.8),
	webdavs (webdav4 = 0.9.8),
	webhdfs (fsspec = 2023.6.0)
	Global: /home/ubuntu/.config/dvc
	System: /etc/xdg/dvc
Cache types: reflink, hardlink, symlink
Cache directory: xfs on /dev/xvdf
Caches: local
Remotes: ssh, s3, local
Workspace directory: xfs on /dev/xvdf
Repo: dvc, git
Repo.site_cache_dir: /var/tmp/dvc/repo/06470b7353a8c56c45de6a5ae8db4dbe

but sadly the cloud connection doesn't appear to be working:

ubuntu@ip-***:/data/snt-lab-data$ dvc status --cloud
ERROR: unexpected error - module 'lib' has no attribute 'X509_V_FLAG_NOTIFY_POLICY'                                    

Having any troubles? Hit us up at, we are always happy to help!


pip install pyopenssl --upgrade

fixed this issue. thanks