
How to add one segmentation class based on VOC?

zhengdixin opened this issue · 0 comments


I came across a problem when training model with new database according to the following scripts:

python issegm/ --gpus 0,1 --split train --data-root data/VOCdevkit --output /media/bnrc/67d2526a-0bd3-46d4-bc05-5c67714aca9c/output/ --model pascal-context_rna-a1_cls22 --batch-images 16 --crop-size 500 --origin-size 2048 --scale-rate-range 0.7,1.3 --weights models/voc_rna-a1_cls21_s8_ep-0001.params --lr-type fixed --base-lr 0.0016 --to-epoch 600 --kvstore local --prefetch-threads 4 --prefetcher thread --backward-do-mirror

I added a class based on the original 21 classes. I labeled the new class with RGB(222,222,222) in the relative pictures and trained with the above scripts. But it is confused that there is no new class in the predicted pictures. Should I do something else?

Does anyone know this question? Lots of thanks.
