
(0, _reactNativeSha.default) is not a function

manelsanz opened this issue · 1 comments

When I use it in my app, just when I press a button shows me this error:

(0, _reactNativeSha.default) is not a function. (In '(0, _reactNativeSha.default)(password)', '(0, _reactNativeSha.default)' os undefined)

One curious thing is the first line of stacktrace, which title is the name of the function from I call 'sha256' (it's ok), and subtitle is the full path on my PC to ...\node_modules\**react-native-qrcode-scanner**\index.js.

React Native version: 0.59.1
Classpath: 3.3.0
Gradle: 4.10.1

I'm gonna close the issue, I reinstalled with react-native link (deprecated) and now works fine.