
Doesn't work with latest Android Studio

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Just downloaded and test with Android Studio Electric Eel | 2022.1.1 Beta 2

Complaining about missing file. Easy fix, just copied from the plug-in project.

But running the sample app with an emulator and hardware device does nothing, even when selecting the sample app with the pop-ups. Pop-ups also seem to not work properly.

Is work still being done on this project?

How is it better than the App Inspection Network panel?

Is work still being done on this project?

The project is still updated and maintained.
But there are no guarantees that the alpha-beta versions will work because I don't want to spend a lot of time on not finalized versions.
I placed the "Support Project" buttons (before the war they were even in the plugin), and it produced zero dollars of support, so my support of the open source community is greater than the community's support of me.

How is it better than the App Inspection Network panel?

I have written a short list of network debugging tools:
There you can find pros and cons of various methods of debugging.

Is it possible to create a version that doesn’t break with each release?

As I mentioned above, I don't want to spend much time on support, so believe me, I want to create a version that doesn't break each release.

But some unpredicted situations appear, like once they changed an abstract class to an interface in the API, etc.

I will look at how to support new versions of AS in the nearest feature.

I will have to use a release version of AS to make this work.