
[Expectation Setting] Time commitment & outcomes

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I think it is helpful to get a grasp of time commitment when it comes to web dev stuff. The reality is that learning any skill and craft takes tender love and care... and time. Lots of time.

If you look at any of these curriculum outside of our courses, the time commitment is really clear:
8+ hour days of CLASSTIME plus outside homework time for 16 Weeks, 5 days a week. That makes 640 hours minimum time spent on learning full stack web development for these kinds of courses like at Flatiron school.

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At ITP for DWD, we've got 3hours of class a week at 6 weeks (last class is presentation) plus max 6 hours of classtime dedicated to homework. So if we're lucky we have 18 hours of classtime dedicated to introducing new content and maybe 36 hours of time for students doing homework in total. That's 18 hours compared to the 640 hours at any of these coding schools of class time and 54 hours compared to the ~736 hours of learning full time at a coding school for total dev time and exposure to the content and context.

I mention this just so we can both take stock of how much progress people make in the course and how much amazing work can be done in such a short time, but also to recognize that the real learning time and efforts will be the responsibility of the students to push forward during and after the course.