Two nodes on the site
sergeypavlenko opened this issue · 1 comments
sergeypavlenko commented
If a site such as two nodes, the module will display the following:
Can do the condition: if field $items is empty, then only derive maximum value. Then get:
Code function _template_preprocess_altpager()_:
function template_preprocess_altpager(&$variables) {
$max_count = altpager_count_all_items();
drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'altpager') . '/altpager.css');
$variables['items'] = '';
$items = altpager_default_items();
$min_count = key($items);
if ($max_count > $min_count) {
foreach ($items as $count => $title) {
if ($count <= $max_count) {
$variables['items'] .= theme('altpager_link', array(
'count' => $count,
'title' => $title,
if (empty($variables['items'])) {
$variables['items'] .= $max_count;
$variables['total'] = $max_count;
New code:
if (empty($variables['items'])) {
$variables['items'] .= $max_count;
sergeypavlenko commented
Or the decision to commit was the best? 9a6c3a8
With my decision, people will see that you are using paginator.