
Wrong CustomizationID value for UBL CreditNote Standard Version 2.0.0.

GregorSz opened this issue · 4 comments


I wanted to replace the old Xrechnung-Standard 1.2.2. with the newest release:

After some analyze I found out that I can't use the new release for Credit Notes because of this validation (file: XRechnung-UBL-validation-CreditNote.xsl):

         <xsl:when test="cbc:CustomizationID = ''"/>
            <svrl:failed-assert xmlns:svrl=""
                                test="cbc:CustomizationID = ''">
               <xsl:attribute name="id">BR-DE-21</xsl:attribute>
               <xsl:attribute name="flag">warning</xsl:attribute>
               <xsl:attribute name="location">
                  <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="schematron-select-full-path"/>
               <svrl:text>[BR-DE-21] Das Element "Specification identifier" (BT-24) soll syntaktisch der Kennung des Standards XRechnung entsprechen.</svrl:text>

as you can see the CustomisationID has still the same value as for the Version 1.2.2. In file scenarios.xml we can find the right value for CustomisationID:

<match>exists(/creditnote:CreditNote[ cbc:CustomizationID/text() = ''])</match>

So with this state I can't really validate any Credit Note...
I wonder if it is a real bug or maybe the newest release doesn't affect the Credit Note Validations?

Thanks for your help!

phax commented

@renzok I can confirm this:
File UBL/XRechnung-UBL-model.sch:

  <param name="BR-DE-21"
    value="cbc:CustomizationID = ''" />

The correct (?) one from Invoice looks like this:

  <param name="BR-DE-21"
    value="cbc:CustomizationID = '' or cbc:CustomizationID = ''" />

You should add some CreditNote test files ;-)

If someone has some CreditNote examples, I'd appreciate this.

In general we promote the use of Invoice Syntax with the respective TypeCode, hence CreditNote is a lacking behind in testing.

Thanks for your fast anwser!

Here is my example: