
application/xml attachments not working

tze opened this issue ยท 10 comments

tze commented


attachments of type application/xml do not work as expected for me.

Using java -jar validationtool-1.4.0/validationtool-1.4.0-standalone.jar -s validator-configuration-xrechnung_2.0.0_2020-07-31/scenarios.xml with the attached files yields the following results.

Rejected but expected to be valid.

|filename                                                            |Schema |Schematron|Acceptance|Error/Description                                         |
| XRechnung-UBL-2020-12-17-with-xml-attachment-and-extension-urn.xml |   Y   |    N     |  REJECT  | [BR-CL-24]-For Mime code in attribute use MIMEMediaType. |
Acceptable:  0  Rejected:  1

Rejected but expected to be valid.

|filename                                                               |Schema |Schematron|Acceptance|Error/Description   |
| XRechnung-CEFACT-2020-12-17-with-xml-attachment-and-extension-urn.xml |   N   |    Y     |  REJECT  |                    |
Acceptable:  0  Rejected:  1

Accepted but expected to be invalid.

|filename                                                                   |Schema |Schematron|Acceptance|Error/Description   |
| XRechnung-CEFACT-2020-12-17-with-xml-attachment-without-extension-urn.xml |   Y   |    Y     |ACCEPTABLE|                    |
Acceptable:  1  Rejected:  0

Accepted but expected to be invalid. I think this hints at #20 being unresolved for CEFACT.

|filename                                                                       |Schema |Schematron|Acceptance|Error/Description   |
| XRechnung-CEFACT-2020-12-17-with-invalid-attachment-without-extension-urn.xml |   Y   |    Y     |ACCEPTABLE|                    |
Acceptable:  1  Rejected:  0

Originally posted by @tze in #40 (comment)

@lkumai may I ask you to also have a look at this one here?

Now, I see it. Indeed I did not fix it. Will fix it now.

phax commented

@rkottmann Eventually <customLevel level="info">BR-CL-24</customLevel> is missing in the scenario.xml?

@phax think so too (site remark: why is /Invoice/cac:AdditionalDocumentReference/cac:Attachment/cbc:EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject not listed here ?)

solving this issues, raised a little bug in the validator itself. Also fixing this right now.

phax commented

@rkottmann The correct code list would be - it's not an ISO6523 value here. Or what am I missing?

I missed it and looked at error message BR-CL-21 ๐Ÿ™„


First, let me say that application/xml mime type is an XRechnung Extension to the EN 16931 which we currently implemented for UBL Invoice only. Hence, you can not use this mime type in CII Syntax (we are working on this, but there are many corner stones on the road...).

Therefore, for this commit fbb42f5 the configuration only accepts application/xml in UBL Invoice and rejects it in CreditNote and CEFACT.

Currently, this fix only works with the soon to be released validator 1.4.1. After the newest validator has been released within the next working days, we will also release a new version of this configuration.

Thank you very much for fast testing and supply of test invoices!! That was super helpful (altough I still overlooked the main issue for quiet some time...)

BTW. although CEN rules, do not check for this, the date in CII should be without -
<udt:DateTimeString format="102">2020-12-17</udt:DateTimeString> e.g. in XRechnung-CEFACT-2020-12-17-with-invalid-attachment-without-extension-urn.xml

in case somone wants to use this fix already now, needs to compile this version of the validator

@tze This should be fixed now.