Schematron directory in configuration 2.0.1-zip missing
HCC-RSch opened this issue · 3 comments
In the validator-conf-zip-file version 2.0.1 the schematron directory is missing.
Correct, the release file does not contain the Schematrons.
The reason is simple: to apply Schematron rules, you need to convert them to XSLT and to save you this effort, the release package only contains the pre-compiled XSLTs.
The source Schematrons are available from the separate link
I'm not sure if I've really got it, but of course I close the issue.
Here's a short explanation what happens when you want to apply Schematron:
- The .SCH file is converted via (3 different) predefined XSLTs to a new .XSLT file - that sounds weird but that is what happens
- The created .XSLT file from step 1 is applied onto the XML document to be validated and created "SVRL" (the Schematron Validation Result Language)
- This SVRL is interpreted to get the errors/warnings from validation
To avoid that step 1 needs to be executed by everyone, the Download-Package only contains the XSLT.
Hope that clarifies it a bit