
[BR-CO-17] category tax amount calculation

Lorenzschaef opened this issue · 2 comments

I get this error, even though, as far as I can see, the amounts are correct.

[BR-CO-17]-VAT category tax amount (BT-117) = VAT category taxable amount (BT-116) x (VAT category rate (BT-119) / 100), rounded to two decimals.

The same document with positive Amounts does not produce the error. I think it might be a bug in the validation rules?

Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-07 um 09 47 41

Bildschirmfoto 2022-07-07 um 09 47 30

phax commented

Dear @Lorenzschaef, this is a very unfortunate situation.
The specific problem has already been addressed in CEN 1.3.8 rules, but the latest XRechnung release (2.2.0) relies on the CEN 1.3.7 rules. Due to backwards incompatible changes between 1.3.7 and 1.3.8 we cannot simply upgrade to the latest version.
The latest version of the CEN rules will be used with the next XRechnung Release.
Sorry for the bad news.

If you dare to, you might simply use the CEN 1.3.8 rules from in your validator configuration. But it might have unintended side effects, for which we cannot give any support.

should be resolved with XRechnung 2.3 / update to CEN 1.3.9