
Unable to update operator admin status without Admin permissions

ZerkerEOD opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, just setup a new instance for the update and in doing so, I have tried both my account that is admin and the default mythic_admin account. I have clicked all of the additional accounts that are not admin status and every time I click the toggle I get that error message. This screenshot was taken while logged into the mythic_admin account. I also tried logging out and logging back in.


Good catch! Looks like the backing graphql files didn't get added to the commit. I just pushed a new version, v3.2.8, that has those files added. You should be able to do a git pull and then sudo ./mythic-cli start mythic_graphql and be good to go

@its-a-feature, pulling and restarting graphql fixed it! Thanks for a quick fix!