AL Assessment project

This project is for Animal's logics request to create an assessment project which creates a Python web API service.

Some key points in the projects that I will take in to consideration:

  • The service is a CRUD service on a database.
  • Can prefrom more complex, modifiable queries
  • Should be written to be extendable with more features
  • Should be written to scale horizontally

Taking these points into consideration, I believe a simple Flask server, with it's load handled by Kubernetes is a simple, yet effective approach to this problem.

While I have worked with Docker to automate builds, I have not been required to develop for horizontal scaling, but a few caveats I can find are:

  • Ensuring ACID properties on a the database with numerous instances attempting to use the service at once.
  • The service should be written with code that can be reused for possible features, and in the case of a CRUD service, be flexible to work with complex CRUD operations. This could range from OOD for the records, to abstracting the possible features (inline to the intial feature to return records within a time period).
  • Authentication should be abstracted, and be modifiable or easily replaced with other code. For now, we will supply a JWT token to expire to moniter and throttle usages.


So, I've made a Flask application with JWT authentication, the service takes in a basic user field at 'api/token' POST, and requires that token throughout the rest of the application.

The service deals with a 'Movie' schema which has:

  • title (string)
  • genre (string)
  • expiry_date (datetime date)
  • release_year (integer)

Movies will be handled and sent with the exact schema, with none of the fields being null. While data queries can be left null, most of the CRUD operations will report a 400 on missing important information.

The rest of the API operations are as follows:

  1. Adding a movie is done with POST on '/api', this requires a full JSON request body of the fields listed above and a JWT token to make a sucession submission, a 400 or 500 will be given depending on the results.
  2. Deleting a movie is done with DELETE on the same url ('/api'), this only requires the 'title' field of the JSON body to be decalred, and will be sucessful if a movie exists with the given name.
  3. Search is done via a GET request to '/api/search' and can use any, some, or all of the fields the movie can contain, and is an exclusive search, meaning that the resulting movies found will only have all of the fields given.
  4. Expired movies within the given search range is given with a GET request to '/api/expiredMovies' and will return movies with expiry dates between the JSON request body's "from" and "to" field, and checks for validilty of the request as well.
  5. Lastly, mostly for convience's sake, a GET request to '/api' returns all movies found.

Running Locally

  1. Create the python venv with 'python -m venv 'what you want to name'
  2. 'cd' into the directory made and clone this project into it.
  3. Activate the venv, look to python's documentation on how to do it on your specific OS here:[]
  4. Run pip install -r .\requirements.txt
  5. Run python
  6. Everything should be set, the port is the default and should be displayed in the terminal

Creating a docker file and deploying with Kubenetes cluster

  1. Run 'docker build -f Dockerfile -t {Name of image}:latest .' In the directory cloned from this project
  2. With kubectl installed, and with a valid cluster, run 'kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml'

##Issues Encountered:

  • Finding documentation of sessions and concurrency with Python/Flasks available resources. There was very little found support for adequate references for the issues I came across, such as issues with committing with said framework, even from the framework's documentation itself.

  • In hindsight, I would prefer GraphQL over a REST API for a CRUD / query type service, but I'm not sure how the implementation would look like and for the few hours I would spend on this service, I think it would not suffice to learn in that amount of time.

  • Also to my lack of knowledge, I'm not able to safely say how much atomicity the service has here, nor could I include it in my scope of completion. Whether or not the service can handle high amounts of traffic is beyond my current handling of the information, but it can scale horizontally with kubernetes.

  • When it came to testing, I found that writing a lot of boilerplate code, i.e code I've felt is written numerous times by everyone else, and started to wonder if I could find an automated way to shorten these methods. I also found myself handling JSON serialization to test objects, and even when objects were deserialized, the object comparison proved to be finicky and troublesome.