
Character Embed doesnt link to Gw2armory

Closed this issue · 5 comments


if you include the character sheet into your own site, the link for the profile isn't working, since you aren't setting the link to gw2armory.

so if you want to click on the name, it will redirect you to Name instead of Name, which won't work ofc, since yoursite isnt gw2armory :)


oh nice find, i'll fix it up


where are you using the embed? :)

on the wvw community of Abaddons Mouth [DE] :)

@Tomelyr hi this is now fixed.

send me a link when you have the embeds! would like to see 👼

Sorry, but currently it is only used in the non public area of the forum, since i've included it as an BBCode-
The forum itself can be found under

except this one post, since i've included it into my signature there :)

@Tomelyr cool! no worries - still awesome to see the embeds being used :)

if you have any feature requests let me know!

as a side do you know about the authenticated guild features of gw2armory? trying to get it more exposure : P