
Spring MVC Demo Project

Primary LanguageRoff

Game Plan


We are building a Phonebook Application using Spring MVC.

Phase 1

We use a static data (List) in the Service Impl, instead of the Database

Phase 2

We will use a Database to manipulate the data, and we use JDBC to interact.

Phase 3

We will expose the services as a Rest API, and add Java Faker Library to ingest the test / fake data.

Tech Stack

Phase 1

  • Java 8
  • Spring MVC
  • Spring Core
  • JUnit 5
  • Bootstrap
  • JSTL
  • Lombok
  • Log4J
  • Maven
  • Tomcat
  • Maven Tomcat Plugin (tomcat7)

Phase 2

  • JDBC
  • Spring JDBC
  • ORM / Hibernate (if time permits)

Phase 3

  • Spring Rest
  • Java Faker Library

Features / Services

  • Contacts

    • Create
    • List
    • Read / Get
    • Update
    • Delete
  • Other Features

Game Plan

For any feature/module/service, we follow the steps.

Unit 1 (Service Layer, and Unit Tested)

* JUnit Test - preferred for *TDD* (Test Driven Development)
	* Write a test method
	* Make it fail 
	* Write the actual implementation
	* Make the test cases pass
* Service Interface
* Service Implementation

Unit 2 (Web Layer)

* Controller 
* UI Pages
* Unit Testing on the UI 
	* Manual 
		* Hitting the URL on the browser
		* Validate the output in the browser
		* See/Verify the Application logs in the Console if any
	* _Automation_ - using *Selenium* (we will see later if time permits)

Testing the E2E Flow

* End to end testing by following 
	* Start from the Login 
	* Test every other scenario / feature by hitting the respsective URLs
	* Verify the output in the UI/Browser for the corresponding scenario
	* Verify the Application logs in the Console, if any , on demand

Use Cases

Contact - Add

  • JUnit
  • Service
  • Controller
  • UI


  • [DONE] → redirect:/contacts where we don't duplicate the code but invoke the existing method with the url pattern '/contacts' to list all the contacts.

  • Validation

    • [DONE] No null/empty values - kind of taken care in the UI with the required attribute in the input tag/element
    • Server Side Validation - at the Controller level
      • [DONE] Missing or empty values - through @Valid annotation
      • [DONE] Duplicate Values
  • [DONE] Reduce the repeating @RequestParam for each of the parameters passed via the Request

  • addContacts.jsp Page

    • Add a red color star to indicate that a particular field is mandatory (whichever is really required)
    • Add the necessary back end validation for all the applicable fields - except the firstName and lastName which we have done it so far.
    • [WIP] Alignment of the columns - fields and values for each input

Contact - Read

  • JUnit
  • Service
  • Controller
  • UI

Contact - Update

  • JUnit
  • Service
  • Controller
  • UI


  • Issue : The update was not properly happening
  • Solution :
    • Domain - manualy provide the hashCode() and equals() method, than the one given by Lombok.
    • Reduced the width of the @Size attribute for the lastName field - from 4 to 2.
  • Issue : The contact being attempted with the existing contact #. Because it is a hard coded list we manage in Phase 1 and we execute in two steps. First, we remove the item first and then adding the list later to the list. Here the removal fo an item is successful but the addition gets failed due to the validaiton for Duplicate based on the Contact #. Hence, the operation is partially completed! :( It is NOT the desired way. Either we should do it ALL or NONE - honoring the ACID style (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability).
  • Solution : Use Transaction Management - either manually using the JTA (Java Transaction API) (old style), OR let the framework like Spring manage it for us, as that was one of the primary goals of such frameworks.


  • Redirecting to 'contacts.jsp' page after addContact.
  • Add RedirectAttributes to add a flash message, than using the Model or the ModelMap.

Contact - Delete

  • JUnit
  • Service
  • Controller
  • UI


  • UI

    • [DONE] Reusable fragments - header, footer and Menu. #Assignment | Menus - Home, Contacts
    • [DONE] Add a Bootstrap button to the View
    • [DONE] Add the alignment for all the colums in the addContact.jsp page and do the necessary validations
    • [DONE] Checkout the person specific branch created in the GitHub Repo https://github.com/itsraghz/spring-mvc-demo/tree/Assignment1-UI-21Mar2023-Rama and push your code in to the corresponding branch (Remote Feaure Branch).
    • [PENDNIG] The one scores high, will get merged with the PR (Pull Request) into the remote master/main branch.
  • Pending /TBD Later

    • Add a favico - <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/images/favicon.ico">
  • Transaction - UoW (Unit of Work)

    • All steps involved in the business acitivty should be completed and committed, in case of any failures in the middle, the entire operation should be rolled back.

Spring JDBC

  • Plain old Java with JDBC
    • List of steps involved
    • Most of the steps like Obaining the Connection, Creating the statement, Dealing with the SQLException, Closing the resources (ResultSet, Statement(OR PreparedStmt), Connection) - are called as Ceremonies OR also the boiler plate code
      • The Reason being no matter what business logic you have, you must have all these without fail.
      • And it does not add any direct value to your busines.
    • Savior / Rescue - Spring JDBC

Note: Motto of the Spring Framework : - To Simplify Application Development

How does Spring JDBC Help?

  • It covers / wraps the boiler plate code under the hood, so that the Devleoper can just focus on the actual business logic OR the lines that really matters to him /his business.


We use Spring Framework V 4.3.30, and hence we refer this (link)[https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/4.3.30.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/html/jdbc.html#jdbc-introduction] for Spring JDBC.

How do I make use of Spring JDBC ?

  • Find out the compatible version of Spring JDBC from the URL https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework/spring-jdbc to be added in the pom.xml file of our project. For our case, we choose '4.3.30.RELEASE' version that is matching with our Spring Core (spring-context).

  • We should declare a DataSource of java.sql, as a @Bean in the @Configuration class

  • We can have an Interface for the CRUD operations based on the Domain object.

  • This Datasource bean should be injected to the Service layers.

  • JDBCTemplate method - execute or queryXXx

  • Implementation of the RowMapper interface to map the data on a per-row basis, by implementing the `mapRow() method declared in the interface.

  • Before executing the Test class, ensure that we have the actual Database and Table available in the Database. :)

  • Add the DB specific JDBC connector in the pom.xml. Ex, MySQL JDBC Connector for the MySQL Database

     	<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/mysql/mysql-connector-java -->

What will be the data flow in the Application involving Spring JDBC ?

With Web (MVC)

View/Client <--> Controller <--> Service <--> Repository <--> [JDBC <-->] Database (Actual Database)

Note: Service layer should have Datasource injected, which is declared as a @Bean in a @Configuration class.

Without Web (MVC)

Client <--> [Service] <--> [Repository] <--> [JDBC <-->] Database (Actual Database)

  • Any or both of the layers can be kept optional. But at least you need layer in the Backend.

Note: If you keep both of them optiona, then you must have one layer as a Controller (a central layer to get all requests from the Client and regulate the flow).

How do I invoke the layers from a Test class?

Typically in a Test class, we may NOT have the Controller available. In that case, we can skip that, and direclty invoke the Service/Repository (depends on what you configured in the Application) and invoke the flow.

Note: Whenever we say Service/ Repository for injecting the dependencies, we really speak about the Implementation class at the respective layer, and certainly NOT the Interface.

Spring JDBC - Use Cases

C (Create) Contact

  • Test Class

  • Service

  • Repository

  • AppConfig

    • jdbcTemplate
    • DataSource
  • DI (Dependency Injection)

    • TestContactDAO - we injected ContactService (Reference Type/Interface)
    • ContactServiceImpl - we injected DAO (Reference Type / Interface)
    • ContactDAO (Implementation Class) - we injected JdbcTemplate (which indeed has got the DataSource Reference
  • Accomplishments

    • We are able to create a new entry in Contact Table successfully
  • Pending / Todo

    • The validations - Boundary checks and also the Business Validations
    • Boundary Validations - min/max size, not null etc.,
    • Business Exceptions - Duplicate Contact
      • We do have a method isContactDuplicate() in the ContactServiceImpl class, but it operates on the static hardcoded list of data - contactList
      • Solution
        • #1. We can modify this list from hardcoded to Database. [getAll() method can return the List]
          • Challenge: What if the Database has got more than a Lakh records?
        • #2. We can query from the Database Table with a WHERE clause to find a potential match for duplicate. If so we stop it
          •   SELECT * FROM CONTACT WHERE CONTACTNO= ? -- the number supplied from the User.
        • #3. The best bet is to add a UNIQUE constraint on the Contact Table and let the Database handle the scenario and throw a SQLException whenver an attempt is made to store a contact whose contact no is already present in the table.

** Accomplishments - Added a new contract getByContactNo(String contactNo) in the DAO<T>. - Added the implementation for the contract method in the ContactDAO class. - Tested the same via a @Test method in TestContactDAO class. - Modified the link in ContactServiceImpl class in the isContactDuplicate() method - Commented the code for the iteration of the hard coded list - Added the new logic to invoke the contactDAO.getByContactNo and determine based on optionalContact.isPresent().

  • [DONE] Error while checking the getContactByContacNo(String contactNo) for the duplicate validation check as the jdbcTemplate.query or the queryForObject() method indeed calling the requireSingleResult() which indeed throws an EmptyResultDataAccessException if the resultset is empty (meaning when there are no matching rows for the contactNo being passed).
  • [DONE] The ID parameter was NOT populated in the RowMapper Implementation class - on the getAll() method for the URL /contacts.
  • [DONE] The autogenerated ID was not assigned/displayed in the success message. We instead retrieved the rowsAffected - the direct return value of the jdbcTemplate.update(sql) method. rowsAffected will indicate the number of rows affected by executing the DML statement passed to the update method of jdbcTemplate object. For an INSERT, it is NOT the same as the auto generated the sequence number or the Primary Key.

Use Case - R, U, and D

  • getById() completed linked with Controller and Test Method.


  • Pending Use cases using Spring JDBC
    • Update
    • Delete
  • check into the Github Repo as always. Will create a new branch for this Assignment2-SpringJDBC-26Mar23-<Name>
  • Raghavan should
    • [DONE] rectify the file names of Snagit Images which was preventing the git pull due to the very long files names and the team uses Windows.
    • [DONE] create a new branch for each for this new Assignment - Assignment 2.

Pending Things

  • @Order does not work as expected in TestContactDAO. Not sure whether Spring Context being loaded in the class has some influence. Need to check.

  • [DONE] Properties for DataSource to be injected from the properties (jdbc.properties) file

    • Flavor #1 - Config class with @Bean method with @PropertySource and @Autowired Environment class, and use env.getProperty(key).
    • Flavor #2 - define a <bean> tag in the registratiion-servlet.xml along with the <context:property-placeholder location='classpath:/jdbc.properties'/>.




         <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close">
             <property name="driverClassName" value="${jdbc.driverClassName}"/>
             <property name="url" value="${jdbc.url}"/>
             <property name="username" value="${jdbc.username}"/>
             <property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}"/>
     		<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:/jdbc.properties"/>

    Note: If theer is a bean declared in the XML file that will take the preference than the one declared in the Java class via @Bean annotation.

  • Assignment #3 - Login using Spring JDBC and Spring MVC to have the login credentials stored and verified from the Database table than the one hardcoded.

  • Spring MVC Rest

    • Dependency on Jackson API
  • Tools

    • Browser - direct URL in the address bar
    • Command Line tools - HTTPie, cURL
    • Dedicated Rest Clients
      • Installable Apps - Postman, Insomnia REST
      • Browser Addons - RESTClient for Firefox
  • JavaFaker to have the random data added.

    • Search Capability to make it more meaningful
  • Spring Security

  • I18N (Internationlization) capabilities

Spring Rest

  • Resource - most important component, anything and everything we speak here is in terms of a Resource
  • Example: An Image, an URL, an entity, a document etc., - anything that can be referred in the URL - is a URI
  • URI - Uniform Resource Indicator.
  • URL - Uniform Resource Locator.
  • URL Vs URI -> Locator tells you where the entity being looked for is present.

@Controller Vs @RestController

@Controller @RestController
Used for Web (B2C) Used for non-web (B2B)
Returns the logical view name as a String - in Spring MVC. Returns the complete response as a @ResponseBody
We have two different methods with the same URI pattern but a varying HTTP Method (for exampe, /add-contact with @GetMapping and @PostMapping- where the HTTP Get method is to get the UI Page with the Form to fill the inputs and the Http Post Method is to submit the inputs and get the processing done (creation of a new entity). We do NOT have such two way communication, instead we have only one way, that is directly calling the Post Method. Reason : Rest does NOT bother about the User Interface.
No prefix as a convention used on the URI We typically use a prefix as /api/ on the URI to indicate that it is of a Rest API. NOTE: It is just a convention and NOT a Rule!

Rest Controller Flow with other layers

Client <--> RestController <--> Service <--> Repository <--> [JDBC <-->] Database (Actual Database)

Note: The Client here is typically a Rest Client, like cURL, HTTPie, Postman, Insomnia REST etc., Sometimes, the Browser can also act as a Rest Client (for GET requests).

Method Names

  • Typically in a Java method, we use nouns for the member variables and verbs for the methods indicating the actions a method can perform on an Object. Example, doGet(), sayHello(), run(), sleep(), writeToFile() etc.,
  • But in REST, we only talk in terms of Resources - meaning nouns and NOT Verbs. What should be the method names ?
    • /api/contacts, /api/users.
  • We do NOT say, api/getContact, /api/addContact, /api/updateContact etc.,

Note: It is more or less like a RULE to be followed. Though the Java compiler will NOT complain you against these norms, but the Java Developer Community will accuse and abuse you if you dont', as these are the general best practices widely adopted and strictly followed without any excuses!!!!

Note: The URL patterns genrally will be of lower case, until we need a camelCase in a single word. /api/Contacts is NOT recommended. (Capital case C, and it is a single word!!!)

Rest API Method Vs CRUD Operations

Q: How do we distinguish on the action for CRUD methods we perform on the Resources? A: Ultimately, we use two things in conjunction to determine the operations being performed on the resource.

Factors :

  • HTTP Method - GET, POST, etc.,
  • Actual method name / the URL pattern - /api/contacts.

Example URL Mappings

URL HTTP Method Domain Object CRUD Operation Remarks
/api/contacts GET Contact.java R - Read Get All Contacts (list of Contacts)
/api/contacts POST Contact.java C - Create Create a new Contact
/api/contacts/{id} GET Contact.java R - Read Get the Contact By Id, if any
/api/contacts PUT Contact.java U - Update Update the Contact (By Id) - we don't say it explicitly like GET
/api/contacts DELETE Contact.java D - Delete Delete the Contact (By Id) - we don't say it explicitly like GET
/api/events GET Event.java R - Read Get All Events (list of Events)
/api/events POST Event.java C - Create Create a new Event
/api/events/{id} GET Event.java R - Read Get the Event By Id, if any
/api/events PUT Event.java U - Update Update the Event (By Id) - we don't say it explicitly like GET
/api/events DELETE Event.java D - Delete Delete the Event (By Id) - we don't say it explicitly like GET

Note: The URL Pattern and the HTTP Method should be unique. The Spring MVC framework will throw an exception while getting started and it is preparing its internal Map (URL Pattern with the RequestHandlerMapping), if it is otherwise.

Rest API Vs Exception Handling

  • Default - blows up the stack trace
  • Flavor #1 - Throw a RuntimeException - No big difference
  • Flavor #2 - Return a generic Object - Better but status code is inappropriate.
  • Flavor #3 - Use a ResponseEntity<T> which is a wrapper object that carries
    • Actual Response Data
    • Custom Response Headers
    • Http Status Code

Rest API Vs @Valid Annotation

  • We need to validate the Domain objects in the @PostMapping, @PutMapping methods by using the @Valid annotation from javax.validation package for all the parameters bound to the Domain object from User Input.
  • Two different validations
    • Domain Validation
    • Boundary Check Validation
  • We need to ensure we are intact with the following
    • Http Status Code
    • Error Message, without the Server blowing up its internals.
  • Strategies
    • Initial - Use String as a return type to show a mesage for either case (Success/ Exception). HttpStatus is always 200 (OK)!
    • Use ResponseEntity - Boundary Check was missing and the validaion was carried out before even preparing the domain object Contact and pass it to the method argument.
      • We caught two different exceptions for the line invoking the Service Layer in the Cotroller Method - (1) Usual BusinessException (2) MethodArgumentNotValidException and we prepared a ResponseEntity accordingly.
      • However, the control flow did not even enter the Controller Method because the order of execution is different wherein @Valid was executed first and whenever there was an exception during validation of the parameters passed in the Request JSON, the MethodArgumentNotValidException was thrown and hence neither the Domain object Contact was prepared with the inputs passed, NOR the control came inside the method.
    • Use @ExceptionHandler along with the @ControllerAdvice or more precisely @RestControllerAdvice to handle the excpetions (MethodArgumentNotValidException) - on boundary checks
      • Domain Validation + GlobalException - helps for the @Valid annotation validtion (Boundary Checks) but breaking the Domain Validation (Duplicate Exception by means of a BusinessException.


  • When we manually handle the exceptions via try-catch block (though for a genuine reasons),

    • The Response data is handled well
    • The HTTP Staus code is NOT handled! and it is mostly a HTTP 200 (OK).
  • Spring MVC offers a way to handle this situation via @ExceptioHandler.

    • Method Level
      • Add a new method in the Controller (@RestController) and annotate it with @ExceptionHandler by passing the .class of the actual Exception that it is intended to handle.
      • Receive the Exception object as an Input argument in the Method
      • Use @ResponseStatus annotation to set the HTTP Status Code, when the return type is NOT a ResponseEntity
      • Use any return type - preferably ResponseEntity<T> as that can carry all the 3 elements - Response Data, Custom Headers, and the Http Status Code, OR any other return types on demand.
    • Class Level
      • Annotate the @RestController class with @RestControllerAdvice to inform Spring that this class has an @ExceptionHandler method(s) for handling the exceptions, and hence Spring need NOT worry about handling that exception.

Spring Rest - API URI Optimization

  • The common prefix of the URI path can be applied at the @RestController level than at each individual API method
  • The URI for the @RestController is applied via @RequestMapping annotation.
  • Benefits
    • They are simple and short
    • The URI is NOT too verbose
    • The changes can be easily made at a single place - at the Class level.

NOTE: This API URI Optimization is not only for the RestController but it is applicable for @Controller classes as well.


  • Make the HTTP Post/Put/Delete requests via cURL, as we have demonstrated the same using Insomnia REST Client in the class.
  • Go through the list of HTTP Status code and get an understanding of each category (1XX to 5XX) and read about the famous status code in each category, especially 2XX, 4XX and 5XX. Wikipedia Link - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes

Java Faker

An Open Source Repository/library/framework that helps us fill the fake data (seemingly real but not the dummy) for our application.

Three different kinds of data we deal with when working with an application.

  • Real - The actual data

  • Fake - Seeming real but may not exist

  • Dummy - Gibberish, like abcd, pqr, xyz, grrr etc., - does not really add any value.

  • Faker Library helps us fill the fake data based on the columns what we have in our Domain (Contact, Person, Book, Movie, etc., )

Where it is available?

How does a Faker Library work?

  • It has a collection of data - prefilled.
  • It has a Randomness - added
  • It has got the locale (en_US, en_IN etc., ) based on the country, language that we speak

How do we use it ?

	@DisplayName("Java Faker should return the valid values")
	public void javaFakerSimpleTest()
		Faker faker = new Faker(new Locale("en-IND"));
		String firstName = faker.name().firstName();
		logger.info("Faker First Name : " + firstName);
		String lastName = faker.name().lastName();
		logger.info("Faker Last Name : " + lastName);

Pending Things

  • [DONE] Exception Handling on the Rest API Methods
  • [DONE] See the @Valid annotation in Action for the validation rules
    • [DONE] Domain Validation + GlobalException - helps for the @Valid annotation validtion (Boundary Checks) but breking the Domain Validation.
  • Put Vs Patch method in Rest API
  • [WIP] Java 8 Streams - on all the business logic where applicable
  • [DONE] Log4J to have a rolling file appender
  • Merge the assignment branches to master via the PR (Pull Request)