Bug: You can not effectively filter beta testers by beta group
orj opened this issue ยท 4 comments
๐ Environment
- OS: macOS
- Version/Release: master as of 7c7ecb5
๐ฌ Description
Filtering by group name and app identifier is not allowed.
๐ฆถ Reproduction Steps
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
./asc testflight betatesters list --filter-group-names "XYZ" --filter-identifiers com.example.App1
๐ค Expected Results
That the beta testers of the group "XYZ" for the app with the bundle id "com.example.App1" would be displayed.
A common use case for this command would be to show the users in a particular group for a particular app.
Without being able to filter by group name and app this command isn't very useful outside of listing all the beta-testers.
๐ฒ Actual Results
The following error is printed:
Error: Only one of these relationship filters ('app-id/ bundle-id', 'group-name') can be applied.
What I'm looking for is the equivalent of the API call: List All Beta Testers in a BetaGroup
@orj the API you listed isn't actually being called via this command. As such #176 has been raised. This command is for retrieving the entire set of testers and filtering from there. Such a thing could be implemented in this command via filling out multiple relationships and filtering down.
Do you think that is also worthwhile?
We also seem to have a limitation if relationships go over multiple pages we don't fetch all the relationship data at this time.
@adamjcampbell I have a question about the above comment about getting the entire set of beta testers..when I used list beta groups endpoint for the scenario where we input both app id and group name I also pass these as filters to the betagroup end point and mention beta testers as included..so does it actually bring all betatesters or based on the filters I passed (which are identifiers and group names) it gets only the relevant beta testers?