Get a Provisioning Profile by UUID
orj opened this issue ยท 1 comments
๐ฃ Context
When fetching specific profiles.
๐ฌ Narrative
As a user
I want to be able to fetch a provisioning profile by uuid
So that I can download a single profile
๐ Notes
If I know the UUID of a provisioning profile I think it would be useful to be able to download just that single profile.
๐จ Design
asc profiles read [--api-issuer <uuid>] [--api-key-id <keyid>] [--csv] [--json] [--table] [--yaml] [--download-path <path>] <uuid>
โ Acceptance Criteria
GIVEN there is a provisioning profile with the specified uuid
WHEN I request that profile
THEN The profile information is displayed
GIVEN there is a provisioning profile with the specified uuid
WHEN I request that profile and I specify a valid --download-path
THEN The profile is saved to the specified <path>
This was not actually possible with just the filtering options provided by the API. So instead @DechengMa implemented filtering by resource ID in #216. That will have to do for now.