
pytest 'itu' ModuleNotFoundError in venv

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I just tried to clone, install and test itu.algs4:

git clone
cd itu.algs4
python3 -m venv venv # python 3.7.6
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade -e '.[dev]'

And, I get the following error:

ImportError while importing test module '/Users/crkrenn/Dropbox/code/itu.algs4/tests/'.
Hint: make sure your test modules/packages have valid Python names.
tests/ in <module>
    from itu.algs4.searching.binary_search_st import BinarySearchST
E   ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'itu'

Do you have suggestions for how to fix this?

Very gratefully,


I am unable to reproduce this error using Python 3.9.0 and pytest-6.2.1 on Linux. Can you provide more details? I think this is an issue with how your version of pytest resolves paths.

Perhaps this subcomment helps?
That is, try to add an empty file tests/ In any case, if you solve it, please let us know how.

Moreover, thanks for this, we should probably add your idea for opening a virtual environment to

Please also try whether python -m pytest works. This seems to resolve paths differently than running pytest directly.

Thanks very much for your quick reply!

python -m pytest did work. As well as manually putting the venv/bin directory at the front of my search path.

I actually had run into this problem before, but had forgotten how to solve it. It seems to be some strangeness with either OS X or anaconda:

(venv_36) (base) ➜  itu.algs4 git:(master) ✗ which python

(venv_36) (base) ➜  itu.algs4 git:(master) ✗ which pytest

(venv_36) (base) ➜  itu.algs4 git:(master) ✗ echo $PATH

(venv_36) (base) ➜  itu.algs4 git:(master) ✗ export PATH=/Users/crkrenn/Dropbox/code/itu.algs4/venv_36/bin:${PATH}

(venv_36) (base) ➜  itu.algs4 git:(master) ✗ which pytest