MemETH is a social media platform #buidl for ETHGlobal Scaling 2023 Hackathon.

Project description

MemETH is a social media for meme creators. It allows meme creators to share great memes that they have made. It is also a social media platform where other users can vote for these memes and donate to the creators that they want to support.


Memeth is a platform for meme creators and people looking for activities to blow their minds. The first section of the site includes a Dashboard and Profile. In this Dashboard, each user's newly uploaded meme NFT will be immediately displayed, and users can actively browse the Dashboard. There are three buttons in the Dashboard: Upvote, DownVote, and Donate. Upvote and Downvote will be a factor for another section of the site called LeaderBoard. In the LeaderBoard section, memes that have exceeded a certain level of likes on a weekly basis and have received higher average scores than other users' memes will be rewarded. The weekly basis ensures sustainability and allows for the creation of new memes every week. The Donate button allows a user to donate to a meme creator if they really like a meme, through their wallet. In the Profile section, users can set their Username and Description. A new user's default name is their address. Another section is the meme uploading page. Files uploaded by users as memes are IPFSed and uploaded to the site as NFTs. Meme creators can sell these NFTs on the platform if they wish.

Don't get Memed, Get Ethereum!

Smart contract


Team Members

Team Member Role
Murat Ozatakan Frontend
Ediz Züm Full Stack
Ömer Akıl Smart Contracts
Gizem Nur Tabak Designer