
how to setup MC Monitor by using grafana

XinBow99 opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi itzg, it's a perfect project! But I don't know how to setup mc-monitor/examples/mc-monitor-prom ,I went into this directory and successfully executed sudo docker-compose up -d and sudo docker-compose logs -f, but my Grafana doesn't receive any message, this is my configuration

docker-compose.yml :
截圖 2022-03-06 下午11 35 51

截圖 2022-03-06 下午11 36 21

and docker run -it --rm itzg/mc-monitor status --host command is work perfect.

I solved this problem!
I fund those errors in cadvisor:
Could not configure a source for OOM detection, disabling OOM events: open /dev/kmsg: no such file or directory
Could not configure a source for OOM detection, disabling OOM events: open /dev/kmsg: operation not permitted
add privileged: true and /proc/kmsg:/dev/kmsg below cadvisor and volumes via insert docker-compose.yml

My Mc monitor of grafana still no data, so i tried those command to check subprocess:
monitor: curl, it's work fine.
mc, it's work fine.
grafana, good.
cadvisor, good.
test http://prometheus:9090 on datasources of grafana, works.

So I'm not sure what's wrong with the Mc monitor dashboard.

oh XD I solved

itzg commented

Glad to hear. Can this be closed now?

ok, thanks you.