
Update cadvisor in example for ARM64 runtime

Opened this issue · 3 comments

More of improvement request than issue.

  1. cadvisor latest image is not working on ARM64 platform (OCI)
    Used zcube/cadvisor image as it has pre-compiled ARM64 platform. Works as expected.
    Googled that should have ARM64. Didn't have time to check.
  2. cadvisor permissions
    Required to add privileged: true on Ubuntu to be able to get metrics data. Not sure if it is required for all OS flavors and should go into commit.
itzg commented

Did you mean to post this here? The latest mc-monitor image is already multi-architecture including arm64.

has reference to cadvisor image. This is what I had to change to make this example work + priviledged mode.
Sorry for confusion missed file reference initially

itzg commented

Thanks for clarifying. Now that makes sense!