
Infinite Integer Intervals

mohayemin opened this issue · 0 comments

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#24 is prerequisite of this problem. Please do not read this problem before attempting that one.


We discussed finite intervals in #24. Now is the time to implement infinite intervals.

  1. [−∞,b] contains all numbers less than or equal to b.
  2. [−∞,b[ contains all numbers less than b.
  3. [a,+∞] contains all numbers greater than or equal to a.
  4. ]a,+∞] contains all numbers greater than a.


  1. [−∞,5] contains 2, 3, 5, -10 and -345.
  2. ]2,+∞] does not contain 2, contains 3, 5 and 1 million.


Implement Infinite Integer Intervals


[−∞,b] and ]−∞,b] are two different intervals. But that is not applicable for integers in a programming language which is finite.



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