
Add support for creating subdirectories

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I just found your app, and I must say it's really great loving the design, and multi-platform support.

The issue I'm running into is in the renamer if you have a sub directory added to your output the renamer fails. I'm guessing this just wasn't a usecase for you so it slipped by. I like to organize my games like {BasePath}/{TitleName}/{TitleName}, {BasePath}/{TitleName}/DLC/{TitleName}, etc.

Here's the error I received.

      Error renaming file D:\NsxLibrary-win-x64-0.2.0\library\some title name\some title name [0010000][v0].nsz - Could not find a part of the path.

I think what's missing is the path creation, but it can added easily I think I'll add this on the next release

New Release #v0.3.0 is available, now the app will create folders if you use them in your template, just a heads up for DLC it should be {BasePath}/{AppName}/DLC/{TitleName}