Error getting package info
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I am running the Library manager, and getting a the error below.
dotnet 8.0 is installed, am i doing something wrong ?
Content root path: C:\Users\bosro\Desktop\NsxLibraryManager-win-x64-0.3.1\NsxLibraryManager-win-x64-0.3.1
fail: NsxLibraryManager.Core.Services.FileInfoService[0]
Error getting package info
NsxLibraryManager.Core.Exceptions.FileNotSupportedException: Unable to determine the package type of the file.
at NsxLibraryManager.Core.FileLoading.PackageInfoLoader.GetPackageInfo(String filePath, Boolean detailed) in C:\Users\Ivan\RiderProjects\NsxLibraryManager\NsxLibraryManager.Core\FileLoading\PackageInfoLoader.cs:line 33
Also i have with some games like "Where Angels Cry" i have the latest update v196608 (version 3).
But in the list of missing updates it show under availible update "131072 - [2]".
i tried reloading and refreshing and redownloading the version.json but i still keep getting it.