
Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


This is the implementation of our submission 'Improving Affordance Detection on Novel Objects with Regional Attention toward Real-world Robotic Manipulation'. This paper presents a framework to apply attention and attribute on region-based architecture for affordance detection on novel objects to assist with robotic manipulation tasks. The original arxiv paper can be found here.



  1. Caffe:

  2. Specifications:

    • CuDNN-5.1.10
    • CUDA-8.0


  1. Clone the AffordanceNet_Context repository into your $AffordanceNet_Context_ROOT folder
git clone https://github.com/ivalab/affordanceNet_Context.git
cd affordanceNet_Context
  1. Export pycaffe path
`export PYTHONPATH=$AffordanceNet_Context_ROOT/caffe-affordance-net/python:$PYTHONPATH`
  1. Build Cython modules
cd $AffordanceNet_Context_ROOT/lib
make clean
cd ..
  1. Download pretrained models

    • trained model for DEMO on dropbox
    • put under ./pretrained/
  2. Demo

cd $AffordanceNet_Context_ROOT/tools
python demo_img.py


  1. We train AffordanceNet_Context on UMD dataset

    • You will need synthetic data and real data in Pascal dataset format.
    • For your convinience, we did it for you. Just download this file on dropbox and extract it into your $AffordanceNet_Context_ROOT/data folder; And download this Annotations containing xml with objectness instead of all objects to replace $AffordanceNet_Context_ROOT/data/VOCdevkit2012/VOC2012/Annotations; And download this file on dropbox and extract it into your $AffordanceNet_Context_ROOT/data/cache folder; Make sure you use the category split on dropbox and extract it into your $AffordanceNet_Context_ROOT/data/VOCdevkit2012/VOC2012/ImageSets/Main folder
    • You will need the VGG-16 weights pretrained on imagenet. For your convinience, please find it here
    • Put the weight into $AffordanceNet_Context_ROOT/imagenet_models
    • If you want novel instance split, please find it here
  2. Train AffordanceNet_Context:

cd $AffordanceNet_Context_ROOT
./experiments/scripts/faster_rcnn_end2end.sh 0 VGG16 pascal_voc

Physical Manipulation with affordance

  • trained model for DEMO on dropbox
  • put under ./pretrained/

1.1. Install Freenect

2.1 Run detection

cd $AffordanceNet_ROOT/scripts
python demo_img_socket_noprocess_firstAff_kinect.py
  • You should see the output to be detected point in 3D
  • Specify affordance_id for your need.
affordance_id = 6 # 1: grasp 2:cut 3: scoop 4: contain 5:pound 6: support 7:wrap-grasp

Physical Manipulation with PDDL

1.1. Install Fast-Downward for PDDL.

1.2. Install ROS.

1.3. Install Freenect

1.4. Compile ivaHandy in your ros workspace handy_ws for our Handy manipulator.

1.5. Compile handy_experiment in your ros workspace handy_ws for experiment codebase.

1.6. Train your own object detector (try tf-faster-rcnn by endernewton). model, weights

2.1. run Handy (our robot, you may check our codebase and adjust yours)

cd handy_ws
roslaunch handy_experiment pickplace_pddl.launch

2.2. run camera

roslaunch freenect_launch freenect.launch depth_registration:=true

2.3. run PDDL, object detector (keep running it for 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7)

cd $AffordanceNet_ROOT/scripts
python kinect_pddl_UMD_firstAffordance_objectness_contain_objdetection_sub.py

2.4. run PDDL, spoon or knife into bowl

cd $AffordanceNet_ROOT/scripts
python kinect_pddl_UMD_firstAffordance_objectness_contain_objdetection_spoon_or_knife_in_bowl.py

2.5. run PDDL, spoon or trowl scoop coffee

cd $AffordanceNet_ROOT/scripts
python kinect_pddl_UMD_firstAffordance_objectness_contain_objdetection_spoon_or_knife_in_bowl.py

2.6. run PDDL, spoon to plate to bowl

cd $AffordanceNet_ROOT/scripts
python kinect_pddl_UMD_firstAffordance_objectness_contain_objdetection_spoon_to_plate_to_bowl.py


python kinect_pddl_UMD_firstAffordance_objectness_contain_objdetection_spoon_to_plate_to_bowl2.py

2.7. run PDDL, objects into containers

cd $AffordanceNet_ROOT/scripts
python kinect_pddl_UMD_firstAffordance_objectness_contain_objdetection_objects_into_containers.py


python kinect_pddl_UMD_firstAffordance_objectness_contain_objdetection_objects_into_containers2.py

Note you might need to:

(1) modify camera parameters:

KINECT_FX = 494.042
KINECT_FY = 490.682
KINECT_CX = 330.273
KINECT_CY = 247.443

(2) modify the relative translation from aruco tag to robot base:

obj_pose_3D.position.x = round(coords_3D[0], 2) + 0.20
obj_pose_3D.position.y = round(coords_3D[1], 2) + 0.30
obj_pose_3D.position.z = round(coords_3D[2], 2) - 0.13 

(3) modify a good range for your object scale:

(arr_rgb.shape[0] > 100 and arr_rgb.shape[1] > 100)

(4) modify the args.sim path for debug mode


MIT License


This repo borrows tons of code from


If you encounter any questions, please contact me at fujenchu[at]gatech[dot]edu


  1. Annotations contains xml with objectness instead of all objects, (and corresponding model descriptions for two classes)
  2. Modify proposal_target_layer.py
  3. to modify affordance number: (1) no prototxt: "mask_score" (2) no config: __C.TRAIN.CLASS_NUM = 13 (3) no proposal_target_layer: label_colors (4) yes proposal_target_layer: label2dist