
More precise installation instruction

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 but it would be more helpful, if required packages were listed for latest LTS.

The packages I had to install before the bundle command were,

apt-get install build-essential ruby ruby-dev libxml2-dev zlib1g-dev libmysqld-dev

This works up to the point of,

rake db:schema:load

where I get hit by,

Gem::LoadError: Specified 'mysql2' for database adapter, but the gem is not loaded. Add gem 'mysql2' to your Gemfile (and ensure its version is at the minimum required by ActiveRecord).

Can you please give more precise instruction on how to proceed from there?

It's probably something to do with this.

It would be far easier if you can prepare a docker image as rails app is one of the hardest to set up and just expose a unix socket or a http port which can be reversed proxied by nginx/apache easily.

The steps you need are more like the basic steps to install any Rails app. It's almost impossible for us to cover all possible distributions and their required dependencies.

For your current problem: You're missing libmysqlclient-dev for the mysql2 gem.

OK. Thanks. Giving instructions on latest LTS for Ubuntu/Debian and Redhat/CentOS doesn't look too hard but that's where docker comes in. Deploy and run, can't be easier when I used to install Discourse (another rails app.)

Yes, except we aren't running either of them. If you can create a MR for these instructions and keep them up-to-date I'm happy to merge them.

This discussion has been brought up more than once, but everybody prefers different things:

  • run a real webserver in the container or just unicorn and let user place a webserver in front of it?
  • run the database in the container or let is use an external database (you don't want database servers in container)?
  • file uploads in the container or place them in an external service like S3?