
No module named 'gi'

atouu opened this issue · 7 comments

I tried installing python-gobject from pacman too, it didn't work. I'm using Artix as my distro.


I think that this is because the AppImage only take care of modules in the AppImage itself. the counterpart of site-packages from Arch, in Debian, is dist-packages, and the module is there.

I've rebuilt the AppImage on my Debian Testing and included also the modules from Arch Linux.

At the end of this workflow run https://github.com/ivan-hc/Bottles-appimage/actions/runs/8137165140 download the AppImage again from "releases".

EDIT: it is ready https://github.com/ivan-hc/Bottles-appimage/releases/download/continuous/Bottles-51.10-1-x86_64.AppImage

@atouu can you confirm that this works for you?

I close this issue. Feel free to reopen it if the problem persists.

@ivan-hc Sorry for the late response. The problem is still there but with more errors now

Nope, the GI module is in place and the issue for this module is solved, this is an error message about another module named "_socket"

I cannot find such module anywhere. Not in JuNest, nor in the Debian side of the built package.

I'll try to add "package_index.py" from .junest/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools into the AppImage

It would be useful if you run the bottles.sh script on your PC and investigate on this issue with me.

In the meantime I've started another workflow run for this https://github.com/ivan-hc/Bottles-appimage/actions/runs/8255129344

I've included _socket module in lib-dynload and the latter is in now in PYTHONPATH, near site-packages cb62da3

at the end of this workflow download and test the new AppImage https://github.com/ivan-hc/Bottles-appimage/actions/runs/8369015691

This is the second module I've included from Arch Linux, according to this issue.

If you face other problems, reopen this issue. Also let me know if all works well.

For now, I close this one for inactivity.