
About Chinese

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi, bro, it cannot show Chinese characters, can you help me to solve this problem? I really appreciate your work!

Hi, I've launched the AppImage using the LOCALE variable before the file and this is the result:

 LANGUAGE=zh_TW ./VLC_media_player-3.0.18-0-x86_64.AppImage

Istantanea_2022-11-01_15-34-39 png

 LANGUAGE=zh_CN ./VLC_media_player-3.0.18-0-x86_64.AppImage

Istantanea_2022-11-01_15-36-53 png

and in my case the Italian locale works normally (ie without the "LOCALE" variable).

I think that this is an issue of your host, I don't know what distro you're using, but I think you should install the package for your fonts and symbols from your repository. On Debian-based systems each package should begin with fonts-arphic (SOURCE).

Let me know if I'm wrong. If not, please close this issue.

Thanks! I am really happy that you can reply me so soon, now I can have a good sleep tonight. Good job, bro!