External Shibboleth authentication for Adobe Connect
- PHP 5.3
- Shibboleth SP instance
- Composer
Clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/ivan-novakov/ac-login.git
Install the dependencies with Composer:
$ cd ac-login/
$ composer install
Create a local copy of the configuration files and edit it to suit your environment:
$ cp config/aclogin.ini.dist config/aclogin.ini
$ cp config/acl/aclogin.acl.php.dist config/acl/aclogin.acl.php
In Apache, configure Shibboleth for the public/
Alias /aclogin AC_LOGIN_DIR/public
<Location /aclogin>
AuthType shibboleth
ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
require valid-user
For more information you can look at the original installation instructions, which may be a bit outdated:
- (c) 2009-2014 CESNET, z. s. p. o.