Is there a way to sort by 'Hot'?
Closed this issue · 2 comments
There's options for 'comments' and 'new' and also a hidden 'relevance.' But none of these actually show what a reader sees when visiting a subreddit - they see 'Hot' by default.
I'm also confused as to how the function determines what urls to get:
Example: r/cryptocurrency frontpage currently has ~20 posts with between 10 and 150ish comments.
Reddit.cc3 <- reddit_urls(subreddit='CryptoCurrency', page_threshold = 100, cn_threshold = 10, sort_by='comments')
- this only finds THREE posts with over 10 comments
Reddit.cc2 <- reddit_urls(subreddit='cryptocurrency', page_threshold = 30, cn_threshold = 1, sort_by='comments')
- this only finds 17 posts with atleast 1 comment!
No of these are accurate, unless the package is making undocumented decisions on what to return.
Also I'm not sure what 'relevance' is measuring.
Perhaps you got rate limited by not setting a rate_limit over 2 seconds. The vast majority of posts are orphans, because the majority of redditors posting things are spammers.
Yes, you can now sort by "hot", this is fixed in version 3.0.0