
Comment scores are always 1

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For the boardgames subreddit, it doesn't seem to matter which thread URL I try, the comment scores are always only "1".

Clarification. This happens sometimes.... but not all the time.

This one always returns one for comment_score: https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/9hkj4q/any_wives_out_there_wishing_their_husbands_liked/

This one returns scores as they should: https://www.reddit.com/r/boardgames/comments/9gkoay/what_did_you_play_this_week_sept_10_sept_16

No idea why there's any difference.

I figured it out! If you retrieve something while the scores are still obfuscated, you're only gonna get 1s back. Might be a good thing to include in documentation.