
A setup to start a containerized media server. Contains plex, sonarr, radarr, jackett, transmission, nginx, and ddclient.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Media Server

Run a set of containers in one step. Included plex server, sonarr, radarr, jackett, transmission, ddclient and nginx.


  • Your preferred flavour of linux
  • Golang
  • Docker CE
  • Git?
  • A cup of coffee


Create and manage independent media centers scoped by user.

Where to start

Simply clone this repository and execute the mediaserver script

git clone https://github.com/ivandelabeldad/media-server.git
cd media-server
sudo go run mediaserver.go start awesome 42 /storage


Start o stop the desired user media server

	start username basePort storage
	stop username

	username		Name of the user owner of the media server
	basePort		Number between 10 and 99 used as port prefix
	storage			Path where all will be stored

	sudo mediaserver ivandelabeldad 42 /media

		Plex					4200
		Tranmission		4201
		Sonarr				4202
		Radarr				4203
		Jackett				4204


Plex doesn't work well inside a bridge network, so in order to use it and prevent potential problems a host or macvlan network is recommended.

Due to the impossibility of create multiple plex instances using the host network, the obviuous option is macvlan.

A basic example (mostly home networks could use it using 192.168.X.0/24)

docker network create -d macvlan --gateway= --subnet= -o parent=eth0 --ip-range= macvlan


Media Server is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.