
Gulp plugin to render static site

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build static sites with gulp

This is how it works

$ npm install gulp gulp-static-site

Then put this in your gulpfile

var gulp = require('gulp');
var static_site = require('gulp-static-site');

var paths = {
	sources: ['contents/**','templates/**'],
	stylesheets: ['css/**']

gulp.task('site', function () {
	return gulp.src('contents/**/*.md')

gulp.task('css', function () {
	return gulp.src('css/*.css')

gulp.task('default', ['site','css'], function () {
	gulp.watch(paths.sources, ['site']);
	gulp.watch(paths.stylesheets, ['css']);

Example JADE template templates/default.jade:

doctype html
		link(rel='stylesheet', href='http://yui.yahooapis.com/pure/0.4.2/pure-min.css')
		meta(http-equiv='content-type', content='text/html; charset=UTF-8')
				p Menu
					each node in page.tree.nodes
						if node.leaf
								a(href=node.leaf.href)= node.leaf.shortName
				!= page.contents

Now we need some markdown files

mkdir contents/
echo "hello from *foo*" >> contents/foo.md
echo "bye from `bar`" >> contents/bar.md
echo "welcome to my site" >> contents/index.md

Gulp that business:


[12:32:28] Using gulpfile /tmp/test/gulpfile.js
[12:32:28] Starting 'site'...
[12:32:28] Starting 'css'...
[12:32:28] Finished 'css' after 4.56 ms
[12:32:28] File tree
├── bar.html
├── foo.html
└── index.html

[12:32:28] loading template: templates/default.jade
[12:32:28] loading template: templates/default.jade
[12:32:28] loading template: templates/default.jade
[12:32:28] compiled template: templates/default.jade
[12:32:28] rendering [default] "bar.html"
[12:32:28] compiled template: templates/default.jade
[12:32:28] rendering [default] "foo.html"
[12:32:28] compiled template: templates/default.jade
[12:32:28] rendering [default] "index.html"
[12:32:28] gulp-size: total 1.75 kB
[12:32:28] Finished 'site' after 191 ms
[12:32:28] Starting 'default'...
[12:32:28] Finished 'default' after 12 ms

Open your file:

open build/index.html      # OSX
xdg-open build/index.html  # Linux

More info

For now, have a look at the source for gulp-static-site and the Tree object you are operating on gulp-filetree/tree.js.