
"fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git" error

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi @ivangabriele,

I installed this promising extension.
But on any attempt to commit with its shortcuts or with CTRL+SHIFT+P
I receive "fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git" error.

I double checked I'm on the parent repo folder which has .git folder inside it.
The "regular" VSCode git functionality works properly, including
git commit -am "Message for my commit" operates OK.

GitLens extension runs as well with all its features.

I just saw the issue #1 but it didn't help...
Any tip, please?

VSCode version: 1.28.2
OS: Windows 7 x64

2018-11-07 13_08_23-_development js - untitled workspace - visual studio code administrator

Hi @Kligerr,

Do you have multiple workspaces opened within the same VSCode window ?

Hi @Kligerr,

Do you have multiple workspaces opened within the same VSCode window ?

@ivangabriele You are right.

I tried to remain only one project folder into VScode workspace and vualá - it works!
Tried to re-add another project folder to my workspace - and it stops to work.

If you know it's a limitation - could you update Readme of the project?
And of course, if you could fix it - I'll be happy :).
Thanks again!

@Kligerr I added that feature on my roadmap, I should be able to integrate that within the next days 😉 .

Dear @ivangabriele ,

Could you add additional enhancement to the roadmap 😊 ?
It turns out I can use auto-prefill for commit messages only for committing the single file, but not for "all edited files". For "all edited files" commit message textbox always remains empty 😕

The main use case for me of your wonderful extension is to add the predefined text on the start of every commit message. I added "match anything" Regex:

    "gaac.replacePatternWith": [
            "pattern": "/(.*?)/",
            "with": "<My User Story ID> - <My User Story Title>: "

It works perfectly along with your own predefined comments, but only for the single file commits, as I described above...

Could you extend the functionality here as well, please? 🙏

Stumbled upon this pretty cool extension, but I have the same requirement as @Israel-Kli, would want to commit multiple files with a predefined message extracted from the branch name. For example, if branch is feature/JIRA-123-do something, then I want to create the regex to work on the branch name and prefix the commit with JIRA-123:

It would be super cool, I can also see if its possible for me to contribute!