
Release 1.0.0

Opened this issue · 0 comments

This the roadmap for the release 1.0.0. There isn't any date to release. I will make each task when I have time, but anyone is welcome to collaborate (just keep in mind this).

  • A Python module with the special actions of Semantic MediaWiki API until before the version 3.0 to build your own scripts. These actions are:
    • ask (#2)
    • askargs (#3)
    • smwinfo
    • browsebysubject
    • browsebyproperty.
  • A command-line interface able to run the special actions mentioned above (#4).
  • Specification of errors that could occur and how solve them.
  • Documentation: docblocks in functions and comments in the code to explain it (yes, I like very much to explain the code to be easy to understand for anyone, due it has help me in the past and it could help other people).
  • Test the command client and the module, and upload it to the Python Package Index (Pypi).

These are the characteristics that I consider essential to release a 1.0.0. I don't know if I will make more than there are in this list, but I don't expect to make less. If I finally add something more to this release, I will note in this roadmap.

Any idea is welcome! You can propose it in another issue to discuss about it.