
Tailwind issue

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Tried taking your boilerplate - installed working fine
Then added popular css module Tailwindcss
npx svelte-add@latest tailwindcss

which broke it
with token error

<title>{$page.data.title || 'typesafe-i18n'}</title> ^ 20 | Not quite sure why here Now attempting to build SvelteKit/Tailwind boilerplate and then use your steps to add i18n Will post here if I am successful Hope this helps

Further testing. Something I have not come across.
It seems installing Tailwind runs a few scripts that rebuilt a number of pages that Tailwind deemed written wrong and broke.
+layout.svelte being the main one.
Breaking the i18n capability of switching languages.
Fixing +layout.svelte got project to run properly so my suggestion to anyone else trying is keep a separate copy of +layout.svelte whilst you load Tailwind and repair if needed.

Thanks for sharing this.
I'll close this issue, since it it not related to typesafe-i18n.