A VIPER module generator written in Swift. It's heavily based on Pedro Piñera's vipergen tool, now sadly deprecated.
$ git clone https://github.com/che1404/Vipergen.git vipergen
$ cd vipergen
$ make install
$ vipergen --help
$ vipergen <module name>
module name - The name of the module
--template [default: default] - The template (Should exist in the Templates directory)
--creator [default: John Doe] - The name of the creator
--output [default: .] - The output directory
--projectName [default: ] - The name of the project
--currentDate [default: 16/01/20] - File creation date
--year [default: 2020] - Current year
--company [default: Foo Bar] - Creators company
--reverseDomain [default: ] - App reverse domain
--fileExtension [default: swift] - Source file extension
$ make uninstall
Regenerate the xcodeproj
$ swift package generate-xcodeproj