
HTTP API for sending anonymous Whatsapp messages using a list of client nodes

Primary LanguagePHP


HTTP API for sending anonymous Whatsapp messages using a list of client nodes, powered by the great php WhatsApp library Chat API

How to use

  1. Get a register code by SMS
  2. Register your code and number
  3. After getting a password from registration add a node into the file nodes.php
  4. Register and add more client nodes
  5. Send messages

API endpoints

  • /v1/code?number=5215587162718
  • /v1/register?code=519039&number=5215587162718
  • /v1/send
  • /v1/nodes

number: 52993177437 message: Howdie ho

GET /v1/code

Parameter Default Description
number none Number where the code will be sent by SMS

GET http://localhost:8000/api.php/v1/code?number=5215587162718

  "status": "sent",
  "length": 6,
  "method": "sms",
  "retry_after": 1805

GET /v1/register

Parameter Default Description
number none Number to be registered
code none Code received by SMS

GET http://localhost:8000/api.php/v1/register?code=519039&number=5215587162718

  "status": "ok",
  "login": "5215546921938",
  "pw": "iwu9mSkhhobsutiwd56kelxG8fC=",
  "type": "new",
  "expiration": 1479444555,
  "kind": "free",
  "price": "$13.00",
  "cost": "13.00",
  "currency": "MXN",
  "price_expiration": 1450683705

POST /v1/send

Parameter Default Description
destination none Destination number
message none Message

POST http://localhost:8000/api.php/v1/send

number: 52993177437 message: Howdie ho


GET /v1/nodes

Takes no paramenters, used to get a list of nodes and their status.

GET http://localhost:8000/api.php/v1/nodes


Requirements and quick installation

Chat API requires:

  • php >=5.6
  • ext-curl
  • ext-gd
  • ext-mcrypt
  • ext-openssl
  • ext-pdo
  • ext-sockets
  • ext-sqlite3

Additionally Slim framework is used to provide the HTTP API.

Clone the repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/ivansabik/wazzinga.git
$ cd wazzinga

Install php dependencies (for a quick upgrade guide to php >=5.6 see below):

$ sudo apt-get install php5-curl php5-gd php5-mcrypt php5-sqlite

Install composer and the repo dependencies:

$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
$ composer install

Start a local php server:

$ php -S localhost:8000

Quick update to PHP 5.6 in Ubuntu/Mint

$ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php5-5.6
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
$ sudo apt-get install php5

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