
Unable to compile Polycode on Windows with VS 2015

LanceJZ opened this issue · 8 comments

This is for latest commit eb5c8c9.
I'm using Windows 10, and I got it to work once, but I was unable to reproduce what I did to make it work. It fails during Dependency CMAKE build as far as I can tell. I tried it in a VM on Windows 8.1 and it failed on that too. The first time I got it to work was on Windows 8.1, but that was not it after all. I think it is with OpenAL. I can get you the error codes, it is pages long, if you want them.

For now I'm working on it in VS 2015 as a VS 2013 project, but I was hoping to have access to the latest C++ version.

This is not really an issue, but more of a request. Thank you for your time and hard work Ivan.

I would like to second this one. The errors I ran into (so far) are the following

  1. Integer type redefinition in Assimp.
    The Assimp source code has some issues with the headers that should be included for standard integers. By implementing the fix recommended by the last post of this thread I was able to compile Assimp successfully. (I had to make the change, upload it to a local webserver and modify your download code to use my new link to make sure the changes persisted when you "Download and Build" Assimp).
  2. snprintf detection for OpenAL
    You make a CMake "CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(snprintf HAVE_SNPRINTF)" which fails for VS2015 because of this bug.

At this point I got sick of my fixes getting overwritten by some download script so I will take a crack at it with VS2013 another day.

I know that getting dependencies to compile on Windows is a pain since it isn't even your code that is causing the problem, but it would be a great help to those who wish to (and/or must) use windows (because my job uses .NET).

While your CMake script to download clean source and compile it was a decent idea, it REALLY makes fixing errors in the dependencies difficult. While this doesn't often happen in *NIX environments it happens more often than is comfortable in Windows. If there is some way for me to specify that I want to use the source on disk (with my fixes) for building the dependencies and NOT download them again then that would help immensely.

I personally would prefer to have the source for all dependencies included with the Github repo so that fixes to the dependencies can be easily committed with this project, but I can understand if that is not feasible/preferable.

most of your points are attacked in the https://github.com/ivansafrin/Polycode/tree/goodbye_cmake branch - so there's active development to remove that issues :P - but I won't suggest to use the branch yet! (esp. on windows and linux of course...)

Wow that has got to be a record on response time for me. I would like to get involved in the Polycode development if I can. Perhaps I can help with that branch. I haven't seen much about a Roadmap or any info about joining Polycode development.

well there is none info (yet)... but things that have to be done in that branch are (e.g.): updating win32core and sdlcore to gl es2 .. I did some stuff for win.. I guess I have to get that ready :$

I'd like to help Polycode too. But only when a make or cmake build system is available for gl es 2 branch 🎯

it's coming! Hang in there!

As the wise Bart Simpson once said, "I can't promise I'll try, but I'll try to try." 😜

ivansafrin is there some way to help me get started on the new 'goodbye_cmake' version. I got it compiled fine, but I don't know how to use it, it is so very changed.