
common nginx and web defaults and handlers for other roles (deprecated)


Common Nginx and web-related handlers and defaults for other roles.




Available variables are listed below, along with default values.

web_user: www-data
web_group: www-data

Unix user and group for web-based services.

web_ports: [80, 443]

Common HTTP(S) ports for web-based services.

mail_domain: example.com
web_domain: example.com

Root domain for web-sites served by the remote host.

web_force_ssl: false

If true, configure web servers so that insecure HTTP pages redirect to SSL.

nginx_conf_dir: /etc/nginx/conf.d

Web services should put extra configuration snippets here.

nginx_site_dir: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled

Web services should put their site definition files here.

nginx_ssl_cert: <derived from letsencrypt setting>
nginx_ssl_key: <derived from letsencrypt setting>
nginx_letsencrypt_cert: ""

The first two parameters define local path of the SSL certificate and private key assgined to the host. If the letsencrypt_cert parameter is non-empty, then files will point to one of locally installed letsecnrypt certificate/key pairs.

In case the letsencrypt setting is empty (the default), the nginx certificate and key will default to so-called snakeoil self-signed certificate, which is based off the default host name produced by the ssl-cert Ubuntu package during its installation.

uwsgi_base: /etc/uwsgi-emperor
uwsgi_vassals: "{{ uwsgi_base }}/vassals"

Various uwsgi services should put their configurations files here.

uwsgi_plugin_dir: /usr/lib/uwsgi/plugins

The name says it all.


  • restart nginx service
  • restart uwsgi service




Example Playbook

This role is only intended as a basis for inheritance.



Author Information

Created in 2018-2020 by IvanSible