
Support Sass syntax linting

dahliacreative opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, my team uses the Sass indentation syntax, I was just wondering if you could add support for that?

Hm, sorry i missed this. But the underlying gem we use is scss-lint which does not provide support for sass styles. You can try https://github.com/gilbarbara/codeclimate-stylelint which is supported by CodeClimate or https://github.com/alxndr/codeclimate-sasslint which I'm not sure is released yet.

@ivantsepp unfortunately codeclimate-stylelint doesn't support Sass, as its based on PostCSS which doesn't support it and codeclimate-sasslint remains unofficial and unavailable to use on codeclimate.

sass-lint is quite mature now and lints both SCSS and Sass in JavaScript - which is probably the way to go as its not long until the ruby scss-lint gem becomes unmaintained.

I agree that sass-lint is the way to go since it seems like ruby sass and even ruby scss-lint could go unmaintained/deprecated. I would propose that we push to get https://github.com/alxndr/codeclimate-sasslint official since it looks like there's some good work already done!