
Logging of the registered services

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Is there already an idea to log the registered services?

This could include an ordered logging of the service invocations. Each service has an unique id and each transaction between the services gets a number, so the logger can create a "schedule" with the start point and the end point of the transaction. With such a plan it's possible to identify which process at which step fails, just like a stacktrace, but distributed to all the services.

If you think, this idea is useful I would implement it. But it would be great if we could coordinate the work - is there already some work done for logging or where is a good starting point in the code for this work.

Best Regards

That's a pretty nice feature! Let's come up with a good design and then see how we go forward with the implementation. It should be flexible so any kind of logging mechanism can be used.

We may actually even consider a standalone SnoopEE Logging Service to handle all of this to keep it decoupled from the SnoopEE Discovery Service.

Yeah sounds good.