[bug] Yolov8 prediction labels missing
Closed this issue · 5 comments
Hey great work adding some initial support for the yolov8 series!
I started messing around with your latest nuget release and noticed that the prediction labels are null unless I specified true for the NumSharp parameter.
But setting param to true does produce a different problem which is that it only ever returns 1 prediction/label (the first one, the same 1st prediction that would show without the NumSharp option)
I can provide more details if it helps, but here's what I'm seeing when I mess around in powershell:
Add-Type -AssemblyName "$DEPS_ROOT\Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Managed.1.14.0\lib\net6.0\Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.dll"
Add-Type -AssemblyName "$DEPS_ROOT\NumSharp.0.30.0\lib\netstandard2.0\NumSharp.dll"
Add-Type -AssemblyName "$DEPS_ROOT\IVilson.AI.Yolov7net.1.0.3\lib\net6.0\IVilson.AI.Yolov7net.dll"
$y8client = [IVilson.AI.Yolov7net.Yolov8]::new($MODEL_PATH)
$img = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile($IMG_PATH)
<# Returns with null Label property ->
Label Rectangle Score
----- --------- -----
{X=726.8968,Y=1456.7361,Width=953.0971,Height=2573.4204} 0.93
{X=1223.8837,Y=1089.3862,Width=884.0172,Height=2938.6584} 0.91
$y8client.Predict($img, 0, 0, $true)
<# When NumSharp param is true, returns with only first prediction ->
Label Rectangle Score
----- --------- -----
Yolov7net.YoloLabel {X=923.1725,Y=1456.7361,Width=714.823,Height=2573.4204} 0.93
I'll try poking around at the new updates in the source code to see when I can figure out but just wanted to see if you might know what's happening here, thanks again!
the label attribute is not assign into the YoloPrediction class when initializing, simply modify the Yolov8.cs file to solve it
How to modify the Yolov8.cs file?
For info, This bug still seems to be in the nuget version. Perhaps this latest code was not released via nuget?
I compiled the latest version from source. All I can say, is, WOW! The bug is fixed, but, also, performance is significantly better!
If anyone else is reading this - Get the source and compile it yourself. It is easy. Do not use the older nuget package until it is updated.
Author : Great job!